अँगरेजी में Person (पुरुष) तीन हैं
1. First Person
2. Second Person
3. Third Person
Definition : बोलनेवाला First Person, जिससे बोला जाए वह Second Person तथा जिसके विषय में चर्चा की जाए वह Third Person कहलाता है।
* The first person is the person speaking, the second person is the person spoken to; and the third person is the person spoken about.
(If I speak to you about Mohan, I am the first person, you are the second person and Mohan is the third person.)
First Person: के उदाहरण हैं
I, my, mine, myself; we, our, ours, us and ourselves.
Second Person: के उदाहरण हैं
You, your, yours, yourself and yourselves.
Third Person: First Person तथा Second Person के शब्दों के अतिरिक्त जितने Nouns और Pronouns हैं, वे सभी Third Person के examples हैं। जैसे-
He, him, his, himself, she, her, hers, herself, it, its, itself, they, them, their, theirs, themselves, this, that, these, those, somebody, anybody, something, each, either, neither, all, none, many, both, Ram, Sita, mother, father, teacher, cow, dog, cat, school, sun, star, river, pen, book, etc.
Note: कभी-कभी प्रयोग के हिसाब से Third Person के words भी First Person या Second Person के हो जाते हैं। ऐसी कुछ परिस्थितियों पर विचार करें-
(a) किसी Noun को यदि हम संबोधनकारक के रूप में प्रयुक्त करें तो वह Second Person का हो जाएगा, जैसे-
Come here, Mohan.
Don't go there, boys.
Shyam, what are you doing here?
नीचे दिए गए लिंक को देखिए
1. Noun click here
2. Pronoun click here
3. Adjective click here
4. Verb click here
5. Adverbs click here
6. Preposition click here
7. Conjunction click here
8. Interjection click here
9. Number click here
10. Gender click here
11. Person click here
12. Sentence click here
13. Case click here
14. Tense click here
15. Article click here
16. Degree of comparison click here